Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How to get Help If You're Depressed

When you’re depressed, it can feel like you’ll never get out from under its shadow. However, even the most severe depression is a treatable condition. There are many effective ways to deal with depression, including lifestyle changes, therapy, medications, and alternative treatments. Learning about the treatment options will help you decide what measures are most likely to work best for your particular situation and needs.

Depression can make your feel exhausted, worthless, helpless, even hopeless. But it can be a short-term disorder, especially if you are in treatment with a qualified professional.While negative thoughts and feelings may make you feel like giving up, it's important to realize that negative views are part of the depression and often do not accurately reflect your actual circumstances.

As treatment begins to take effect, negative thinking is likely to fade so be patient with yourself. In the meantime:
  • Commit to working out issues by attending regular sessions and being frank with your therapist

  • Outside of therapy, set realistic goals you need to achieve in your day-to-day life

  • Take on a reasonable amount of responsibility and ask for help if you feel overwhelmed

  • Break large tasks into smaller ones and reward yourself for completing those larger tasks

  • Set priorities and do what you can when you can

  • Try to spend time with other people and to confide your feelings to someone; it is usually better than being alone and secretive

  • Let your family and friends help you

  • Participate in activities that may make you feel better such as going to a movie, a ballgame, or participating in religious, social, or other activities

  • Make time for exercise, but don't over-do it.

  • Postpone important decisions, such as changing jobs getting married or divorced, until the depression has lifted
People rarely "snap out of" a depression, but they can get a little better day-by-day. Expect your mood to improve gradually. Feeling better takes time. Positive thinking will gradually replace the negative thinking that is part of the depression. The excessive negative thinking grow weaker and disappear as your depression responds to treatment.

Where to Get Help?
  • Family doctors

  • Mental health specialists - such as psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, or mental health counselors

  • Your health insurance plan

  • Community mental health centers

  • Hospital psychiatry departments and outpatient clinics

  • University- or medical school-affiliated programs

  • State hospital outpatient clinics

  • Family service, social agencies, or clergy

  • Private clinics and facilities

  • Employee assistance programs

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