Friday, September 18, 2009

Understandig Bipolar depression

Bipolar depression is also known as manic depression. The person with bipolar depression has a very severe mood swing .A person with this depression show these symptoms for weeks and even months. This depression can go through various stages like severe depression, which shades into moderate depression and to mild and brief mood disturbances .This stage is then called as blues. These extremes of mood may include the lows of depression as well as the highs of a very elated mood (known as mania). This depression can occur in both males and females. It usually occurs first in age group of 18-24.

Symptoms of Bipolar depression
• Increased talking & thinking
• Insomnia
• Unrealistic belief in one's own abilities
• Poor judgment
• Increased sex drive
• Substance abuse
• Tiredness and loss of energy.
• Excessive feelings of worthlessness or guilt.
• Being unable to see a positive future.

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